Photo Exhibition Veins Opens in São Paulo

Anders Petersen and Jacob Aue Sobol, the two internationally highly acclaimed personal documentary photographers are showing their work together for the first time. At first glance their images may come across as hard and merciless, but running just beneath the surface-or skin if you like – is an intense, warm depiction of not so much a likeness of reality, but what is felt as real. The images are executed with tenderness, but also with a fever and certain nervousness expressing longing, curiousness and strong presence.
Petersen and Sobol both come from the documentary photography tradition, which they have developed into a diary format of personal documentary, their very personal reflections on life, people they meet and the world of today. It is the meeting with the person or place itself that is the important not the photography or its aesthetics. It is as much about the one who is seen, as the one seeing, portraits and self-portraits all in one. It is about life, about raising questions, but it is not about providing answers, and it is about getting to the core of experiences rather than showing a likeness.
The Swedish photographer and a living legend Anders Petersen (1944) is known for his ability to find a common language with complete strangers, thus creating intimate, distinct human portraits. About his creative work Petersen says: “The stuff I do is a kind of private documentary photography. It is a real challenge – to be present, but maintain the distance”.
The Danish photographer Jacob Aue Sobol (1976) uses camera as a tool in order to create contact, closeness and intimacy with people and random places, even if only for a short period of time. Sobol compares taking pictures with hunting: “Relationship that hunters establish with the surrounding nature is very important. This feeling has left a great impact on my life and work”.
The exhibition is curated by Imants Gross and produced by the Danish Cultural Institute.
Abertura: 12 de março às 11h
Data: 12 de março a 8 de maio (terça-feira a domingo)
Horário: 9h às 19h
Local: CAIXA Cultural São Paulo
Endereço: Praça da Sé 111 – Centro
Informações: (11) 3321 4400
Ingressos: Grátis
Classificação Indicativa: 16 anos
Patrocínio: Caixa Econômica Federal e Governo Federal
Acesso para pessoas com deficiência
Assessoria de Imprensa | Binômio Comunicação
Marcelo Gusmão
(11) 99383-7349